Haih, I think I’m getting sick with weekend, full of bored-om I guess.
Okay let me tell you about my weekend. Tomorrow the Gotong Royong Perdana will be held because of the Teacher’s Day celebration this Monday. Err, isn’t that sound interesting? Hihi. Em, with add-class also. 10.30 Until 12.30. Yeah, this is boring LOL.
Today we did something interesting. During science subject, we did an experiment. I mean a lot of experiments about how Magnesium, Zinc and Iron respond to Sulphur. That was awesome, duh. The magnesium sulphide popped out right in front of my eyes. Grrr, beau-tee-fool you know! And we also did an experiment about calcium carbonate, and my group failed, HAHA. We did something wrong I think and that makes the litmus paper colour didn’t turned into blue. It’s okay right, we tried at least. But what makes me pissed was, Icap laughed at us. Haih, you’re really suicidal man. HAHA and he called Yon, Afiq semua like “Sini, sini. Kertas litmus dorang tak tukar kaler!” And I was like, damn you Icap. Jangan la gelakkan! HAHA adoiiiiiiii kelakar xD
And then when we reached our class afterwards, we put our hand-prints on the wall. Mine looks funny LOL, a shrek-green colour. HAHA. I really had fun though, and then we played with the colour, nasib baik weh aku tak main. Kalau tak jadi macam Bie haha. They put water colour all over her face and her tudung too. Gosh, scary isn’t it. HAHA. And blah blah blah, go home :)
I slept from 1330 until 1420. Adoiii, lamanya. I wasted my time already -___-“
Love, Zulina XO