Yo peeps. Err, tak terlalu lambat lagi kan for me to wish Happy Mother’s Day? I forgot about it, HIHI :]
Oh-kay, let’s start the story. Uhm, I am kinda busy and lazy so can I make it short? Can ah? Okay, thanks.
Sabtuday –
Hm, I skipped kelas tambahan because I have to take care of my adiks at home. Isn’t that sounds boring? Yeah, I know right. Then uhm, urgh totally the lame Saturday ever -.-
Yeay, went to KLCC and Pavilion with Mira and Sarah. But I have to go to KLCC alone as Sarah and Mira will go to KLCC after tuition straightaway. I was on the fence like, nak pergi ke tidak but, I went anyway. My journey wasn’t so bad, despite the fact that I embarrassed myself in the train. Haih, -__-‘ And after I reached KLCC, I met Sarah and Mira. And of course, Mirul. We walked to Pavilion and straight to Forever 21. I found a blouse, really beautiful! But the price were like, err an arm and a leg -.- Blah blah blah, went home. Zzzzzz.
Skipped school again, got a fever and flu. Haih, what an accident.
Went to school as usual, aww miss my friends so much. I miss you too
Nothing interesting, zzzz. Oh yeah, he said HI to me today. Hahaha, finally man :)