Heyho, Peeps.
The Gotong Royong went well; although I didn’t do anything like sapu sampah, all that stuff I still feels tired. I mean, can you imagine I walked around the school like an idiot just to find A yellow chair. Adoi, memang lah.
And after recess, Diba and I walked to the bus stop in front of our school and met Kak Mienaaaaa! Gosh she’s so beautiful you know. I feel like ripped her face off and put it on my face. Err, doesn’t that sounds interesting? Hihi. Okay, enough enough! And after the add class finished, I went to 3KRK and loafing with Hannah, Haziq, Adib, Wafin, Syira and Farah. Memang best gila lah haha. We snapped mad-faces pictures, and all kind of faces. Haha! Walked home after azan Zuhur, and now here I am, updating my blog. Eh! Did you notice my new blog, hihi. I know ugly aite? Adoii dah tau dah! Thanks :)
Your storyteller, Zulina.