What’s with the title?
Seniors mean the person who is older than us. In school, the oldest is people in Form 5 and they’re the seniors. I respect seniors with protective characteristics. But in my school, they’re only some of them. Maybe, this senior title makes them feel they have powers or something like that and they can make fun of their juniors. My friend had been bullied by seniors from the pure science’s stream. How bad is that?
People said when we have brain, we should have some manners. But I guess that is cliché and had been forgotten or maybe these seniors don’t even know those phrases are exists. One thing for sure, this problem in my school should be stop or else it will be too embarrassing. Come on, we’re all grown-up right? Be and act like mature. I’m not trying to interfere or anything but I just tell what I always thought. Seniors fighting with their juniors in front of class and they’re all in the science’s stream? This kinda thing should not be happening anywhere, and at anytime. And seniors insulted their juniors through facebook status!? Why should be through the facebook status?
So the conclusion is, facebook can be the beginning of fights.