Assalammualaikum~ maaf semalam dah miss satu hari tak update blog. Haha alaaa relaks la. Baru sehari, takde siapa heran -.-
Actually I have nothing to write anymore. I had no idea why. And oh, I got zit on my forehead, but you can’t see it, and it hurts a lot. Keeps feeling like burning and every time it’s burning, I always thought about being a Harry Potter. Lol craps.
To all my friends, I wanna apologize for lied to you guys about going to Bieber’s concert. Sorry I really don’t mean it :( Actually, I mean it. Farah is the only person who goes ‘WHATTTT!?’ and I already know about it xD Sekarang dah lega ah korang en yang aku tak pergi!? Hahaha.
Today I had a great laugh with Haikal, Nano, Sarah and Shira. They kept teasing me about dating with guys in our school as I am now a ‘single lady.’ Thank you guys for making me happy again :) today class was quite bored. No teachers for 3 periods. And, to CA, idk but, I just can’t get you outta my head. Please get out! Pleaseeeee. Fuh I hate having a feeling like this.