Hi guys. Just now I’ve read Hannah’s blog. This entry will probably look the same. Lol.
Look, this is a picture of my 2010’s class. 3 Amanah. I miss my classmates. I am truly missing some of them. No, I mean all of them. Sigh. Among them all, only 70% who stays in this school till now.
Yon, Faqih, Muz, Kacak, Amnan, Nadia, Fairil, Icap, Azim, semua dah pindah.
I miss how they played at the back of the class,
Laughing while teachers are teaching;
Made stupid jokes I’ve ever heard especially Icap and Yon,
Gossiping with Azirah, Nisa, Tando, Iman at the back of the class,
Complaint to everybody how we hates hm hm hehe,
Dancing, shuffling & many more.
We’re all nuts. I mean, though PMR is coming, we’re still playing around like there’s nothing. Cause we’re cool aite?
And persons I missed so much is Nisa & Tando. They’re cool and freaking funny. Tando is my very first bestfriend since I entered this school in 2008. And Nisa was my classmate too. We’ve been in same class together since Form 1. How cool is that huh? But this year things are different. But we’re still best friends right? :) I miss you guyssssss ♥
But I am pretty sure 4 Falah 2011 will rock my world :)