I was absent today, because of you-know-what. Last night I slept from 7.30p.m till 1.30 p.m. this afternoon. Wow, the thing is I haven’t eaten anything yesterday except for my bread with nutella and, that’s all? Amazing. No doubt why am I skeletal, huh?
I ate my lunch just now, half rice and half fried chicken. I’ll less eats when I’m on my period. Unlike any normal girls, I’m unusual. Lol. Sometimes I have this PMS thing. I get mad at something I shouldn’t. Even when my boyfriend says I love you, I’ll get annoyed. Bad, isn’t it? Even when mom says ‘please help me,’ I also get annoyed. I just can’t deny that feeling. Sometimes I cried because of zero. This thing really gets me overwrought. Some girls enjoyed their period. But I don’t.
God, I don’t believe I’ve made entry about this.