Hey, how are you. Finally my mood comes so I write this latest entry today :-) Nothing much happened lately, just a few things I want to tell you. First, did you notice my new blog? Hihi, I updated it even though it still looks the same, lol.
So today Diba told us that Kak Miena is at her home. She stayed there for almost two days, I guess. So Mira and I went to her house just now to visit Kak Miena. She looks gorgeous still, HAHA.
I’ve been so busy lately with school stuffs, lepas satu-satu. Macam tak habis habis -.- and I will start my tuition class this week, I hope. No need to know where :D Tomorrow Diba and I plan to meet my husband, Edward Cullen on Eclipse after school. So I hope jadik lah kan? :-)
That’s all for today, see you tomorrow! xx