Okay hi people :-) Sorry I changed my font so it would be bigger than before. Kecik sangat, dah la I pun rabun kan -.- Hmm this week we had a seminar and also a motivation. Both were awesome, no doubt. Tapi mcm tepape sikit pun ada lol joking. So I got my results. I mean all of it. And the result hm, hm, hm, *dead. (Too disappointing).
I am kinda hysterical about finding a tuition class. Yeah, my friends did help me sometimes. They recommended PTSG, Kasturi, Sirim Jaya, Alpha and many more. Unusual name also, lol. But I wasn't interested at all. More to malas, actually -.- The fees, the pocket money, the blah blah blah and whatsoever -.-'
The reason why I write this entry is just to fill in my latest entry as I rarely online nowadays. So just now I watched Majalah Tiga. Gosh, they showed about the maggots therapy. Okay that was really gross and disgusting. And my very favourite part was the phrase "Benda yang dipandang hina mampu menyembuhkan." lol.
And today was boring. Thats all. Thanks fellas. Byebye xx