Hello everyone, it’s Labor Day and thank God we got school holiday :p
Yesterday my family and I went for a picnic at Pantai Remis. We went fishing, collecting sea shells and so on. We had fun, of course. But it was damn tiring. I fell asleep on the way home.
Yesterday while I was at Hannah’s, we accompanied kakak as she drove us around house and field with car. Yes, she already has her license now. Be brave, pretty! Chaiyok.
Starting this week, I must say it is a pretty hectic week. I still didn’t study for my exam yet. What is happening to me? I’m doomed :/
I need to cover all my 9 subjects, and the topics. Sigh. It’s already May isn’t it? Times fly so fast -.- since I already talked to you guys about this exam, I am not going to repeat it again. I have to read sejarah now, as tomorrow I have to do a presentation. Can I have like um, one month holiday from school!?