10 things you ought to know about me!
1. I am a quiet person.
- Yes. I don’t like to talk in public. The only exception is when my best friends are there with me. But mostly I don’t talk too much. Trust me.
2. I can be a total freak.
- Yeah, it’s when I am in a good mood, and I am surrounded by my best friends.
3. I get annoyed easily.
- I bet this is a normal thing. I easily annoyed with people. I don’t like him, I don’t like her, there’s so many peeps I hate -_-
4. I am a hot tempered.
- I easily get mad. One minute I was happy, and after that my mood will change. I don’t know, it’s just… me.
5. I am a shoe lover.
- I love shoe. So much.
6. I don’t like cute things.
- Bukanlah cute macam mana kan, I mean like Domo, people start love them, and they say Domo is cute. But for me, it’s like, biasa je -.-‘
7. I always give up.
- It’s because I don’t want to fight.
8. I don’t know how to convince people.
- Seriously. When my friend gets mad at me, I don’t know how to persuade them. Usually I’ll just let them be mad and finally they give up.
9. I easily fall in love with actors.
- Like Alex Pettyfer, ugh don’t want to talk about this!!!
10. I love food more than people.
- I love I love I love it!!!