Hi, um firstly I am sorry for keep deleting my posts because I think the post may be offensive. So, I have reasons don’t I?
I come home late today, first I was discussing with my friends about you-know-what, and then I accompanied Hannah, and then it was raining. I come home at 3.00p.m. How late is that? Today in class, I learned history. I was quietly focused and then Shira said, “Zulina, kaki tu!” I looked at my feet and it was shaking, moving, wiggling, and wobbling and hitting Shira’s chair and made her shaking! Well, I’ve got habits. I mean bad habits.
If I am engrossed, my feet will shake to something near them. For example: table, or chair, or whatever. I know right, it is not good -.- you can tell if I am exactly engrossed. Because my fingers, my right fingers, they will move like they are writing something. And yes, my fingers ‘write’ what I am thinking at that moment.
And I am trying to remove my habits. Do you have any?