Hi, I was absent today because of my negligence. I woke up late as usual so I have to be in my home, take care of my little sister and watched TV, or online or blah blah blah. I haven’t had any lunch yet, but I already had my breakfast. I’m craving for McDonald’s right now!
Oh, and it’s raining. And it’s dark outside, and I’m bored. I know I have to turn off my computer because of the thunders but please wait! I need to finish up my entry. Tomorrow I have job to do, I have to help my teacher for Minggu Akademik for Science. Sounds good, right?
And tomorrow I have this interview for new prefect. I’m scared because I don’t like being interviewed, seriously. Anyway, wish me luck guys. I’m bored right now. I need food, I need friends, and I need great movie to watch!