From left: Me, Sarah, Diba, Mira, Shira. Heheheh :D
It’s Wednesday, and I think it’s a laughing day for me :p First, we had History quiz in the morning. We were busy finding the answers and at last, we gave up. Bye, history! Okay, enough stories for the morn.
After recess, in BM’s class, while we were working in group, Mamat did something hilarious. Mira was busy doing her work while Mamat quietly opened her shoe lace, and tied it with the table. Hahaha, and Mira still didn’t know. I was laughing so hard that I can feel my stomach burns. Suddenly she said, “Siapa yang pijak tali kasut aku ni!” Hahahaha you’re so slow Mira xD and I did a lot of walking today. I walked to block A, B, G, and so on. And yeah, thank you to Miss Noralida for the KFC :)
Oh God, I’m so tired of laughing and faking smiles. Hm okay, enough stories for today. And I just wanna ask you something. Please stop bothering my mind please & thanks to my friends for the perfect secrecy :|