As you know, this is my second last year in school. In the last three years, I’d never had interests of participating in school’s activities like kawad, etc. I’d rather have myself sleeping in home, watching TV, eat, and blah blah blah.
Now, miracles happen. I enjoyed myself participate in kawad, Choral Speaking, hm tu je la pun. Entahlah, jadi rajin dah agaknya. Eh bukan, sebenarnya sebab nak markah Kokurikulum yang aku tak pernah miliki selama 3 tahun lepas. Hambik ko, dah dekat dekat SPM ni baru nak active. Eh, dekat ke? Hahaha. Tadi baru je pergi rehearsal Choral Speaking, memang syiok habis sebab semua budak form 4. Maafkan saya Amira, sebab tak bagitau awak, awak dah balik dah time tu.
& I want to tell you about a psychopath in my class. He kinda likes Amira, and wherever Mira goes, he’ll always be there. And it gets me fed-up. Sometimes, he smile alone like a total idiot while watching Mira, or maybe he’ll watch Mira from his place and try to talk with Mira and sometime he waits for Mira to ‘accidentally’ walk with Mira. He’d once give Mira his phone number and email. Ohmygod he’s so irritating! Really, if I ever have a chance, I’ll knock him on the face.