Today, my school became the host of this MTQ competition, Zon Daerah Gombak Timur. So, we didn’t learn anything today, my class went to Surau to hear the Tadarus. Our school’s representative, Amalia had done pretty well. But the truth is, we don’t want to watch Tadarus, we want to watch Nasyid at the Dewan. But unfortunately, GP* and BB* dispelled us. So, we went to Surau and wait until the Tadarus to finish.
At approximately 1.00 p.m., my friend gets mad at me, and I get mad at my other friend. I know I was silly because I get mad for no reason. But I was dispirited because my friend said ‘FUCK’ at me. I, myself, had never said that to her. Poor me. People don’t know how to take care of my heart when I, every day, every single time, try to take care of her heart. I walked to home alone, and thinking about myself. Am I too soft for people to do something like that to me? Why they have to be rude towards me? Why am I always had to face this? Poor me. Yes. I’m the person who take care of other’s feeling while mine is being hurt all the time.
* (You-Know-Who)