Hi, as I promised you guys, I’ll upload photos from my holiday. So here are the pictures, hope you enjoy!
Day 1;

Uncle Pete, while waiting others having their breakfast.

My sister Farha (right) with her cousin, Husna. Playing before we went to the Bird Park.
First stop, THE BIRD PARK.

Ohh comotnya awak, comel!

“Is she taking a picture of us?! Oh no, I need make up!!”

Meet my mother, err.. Y U POSE LIKE THAT?!

This bird will make a beautiful sound when it nods.

Let’s go to the world of parrots! Lots and lots and lots of parrots!

This is cute, even animals know how to share.

They all look exactly the same.

Another beautiful pair, Auntie Mek and Uncle Pete.

This is what we had for lunch, yong tow foo at Hometown Yong Tow Foo.

Next stop, AQUARIA > my favorite place.

Fareez, Husna & Farha. They’re cute.

Mak & Farha. Yes, the yellow –shirt guy is my mom’s uncle.

Pretty. Auntie Mek, Flora, Grandma Mary and Grandpa Charlie x)

Farha & Amirul, my cousin.

Last photo of the day, Husna & weirdo Fareez. Lol.
So this is the end of our first day, wait for my next entry!