Hi all time favorite people.
I was absent today; I woke up late this morning. I’d missed my account class :’(
Actually I didn’t want to go to school but when I think about account class, I regret it.
Let’s start. We all have dreams aite? We often ask ourselves, ‘what am I gonna be when I grow up?’ and so on. We all live as a teenager once in a lifetime. So, use it wisely. As for me, I honestly haven’t decided yet what am I going to be. But I would like to be an interior designer – one of my interests. Or maybe an accountant? Lol, too common. Or maybe hm whatever.
Next year I’m going to sit for my SPM examination. Big exam for my future and that decide what am I going to be. Good or otherwise. But I really hope that I can be a good people so that I can prove to my family especially my BRO that Imma useful human. Unlike him, lol just kidding. So I wish that I can catch up my dreams and so you guys. Toodles, gtg