Yesterday I read my old blog. There’s a lot of diff between this blog and my old blog. I often used my sense of humor in writing my blog, I mean the old one. But in this blog, I’d become serious. Guess that my sense of humor becomes less huh? In my old blog, I often used Malay, but in this blog, I changed to English. Well the purpose is to improve my writing skill of course. I’m glad that it’d worked out. If you really know me well, you’ll realize that I’d totally changed. I used to be silly and crazy and um full of laughter, and always smile, and always laugh, and always made silly jokes but now I’m not. People change, isn’t it?
Hm sekarang dah sekolah. Tension sikit sebab hw tak berapa nak siap. Tapi nak buat macam mana, dah jadi tanggungjawab kita untuk belajar. Yang untung kita jugak kan, bukan orang lain :) instead of making your parents proud, korang jugak boleh jadi pelajar contoh kan.
Study isn’t easy. But with passion and some effort, it’ll become easy. Well I’m not that smart, and I’m talking to myself too. We can also use the reference books, not just textbooks to study. But certain people, they study really hard, hard to death! But they still can’t get A’s. I mean, straight A’s. That depends on their IQ right?
And I want to say this.
Menyesal tak belajar leklok time PMR haritu. Bye.