Jom senamrobik, jom! Hahaha :|
Kitorang ada pertandingan senamrobik kat sekolah. My friends and I take part in the competition. Practise kekonon, tapi main je lebih haha :P Um, I loafing with my friends rght now, Mira and Sarah, talking about our ex-es lol :D
Today we have a badminton game at Melewar, with my friends Mira, Sarah, Noni, Jyma, Mamat, Zai, Atul, Huzey, lagi siapa ea? Hahaha siapa siapa je lah. Best ilew :P
Bytheway, I have some morons who talked shit about me. He may thought that I dont know hell about him. But I do know now, and you, stupid boy, just beware of me. You dont know what I might do to you. Got it,
A? Wthell -.-
&& Besok nak pergi aquaria, tak sabarnya! Hahahahahhaha :/