Time passes, after this week I’m going to face two more exams. No, it’s three actually. Err or is it four? Including the July test :/ So I have to say bye-bye to you bloggie, and also my FB account, and also my tumblr, my desktop, my blah blah blah. And I should say ‘hello’ to History, Maths, Science, and others. But I don’t really mind actually. Only a few days left until the PMR will be held. After that I’m going to be free. For awhile -.- Where there’s a will, there’s a way, right? So I have to sacrifice. I’m trying.
I always get a flash about my first year in this school. Haha, I was one of the hysterical girls in my class and also with my friends. I always make them laugh with my stupid attitude and my jokes. We hanged together, walk together, and many more things that best friends use to do. But when I was in Form Two, things changed. Nana moved to Shah Alam. And we always had a fight. I rarely make jokes and always serious. This year, things changed again. We always laughed at ourselves, about our past, sat together and gossiping. Yes that’s what girls always did right? :-) I wonder what our relationship would be like after 5 years. Will we be hysterical like this again? Or will we be separate to different country? Will we still know each other? Things changed. We will never know what will happen, right?