Hello peeps. So I finished my July test. What a relief, huh. I did nothing today, went to my class as usual with Amirah this morning. Ate my breakfast and lunch as usual, lay on my bed on the afternoon as usual. Nothing changed much. Well I guess it’s my daily routine :D I can’t wait for this Monday, I am eager to know my results. I hope there are some improvements.
On 17th of July err, last week. My school had a Hari Akademik and Koko day. As usual, parents coming and see our results, teachers’ critics and ask for improvements, and so on. So the impact of the Academic Day was most if not all of them got scolded by their parents. No TV, no hand phone, no internet, no FACEBOOK but yes of course they’re only can face the book. But lucky me, my parents gave me second chance to improve my results. So I still have TV, I still can have my phone and I will never waste my time on internet always like before. Thanks mak and abah :-)