Firstly I wanted to wish HAPPY 20TH ANNIVERSARY to my mom and dad, may Allah bless you :-)
Today, I went to school as usual. Sarah and Nisa were absent and actually I want to admit that today was the very worst day, I guess. Okay please imagine, we were at the Bengkel for 3 periods to do the electronic-shit thingy and then suddenly my teacher said, “Siapa tak siap tak boleh balik.” I was like OEMGEE I didn’t do anything yet! So I was rushing and rushing until my wire was all tied up and... WHERE’S MY BLAH BLAH BLAH STUFF?! –Okay memang bengang, tengah rushing boleh pulak barang hilang kan -__-
After 1.10 p.m, I asked my teacher’s permission to meet Mira, and ask her to WAIT for me. And she was like, oh-kay. After 1.40 my teacher said, okay we will continue later and I was like Alhamdulillah! :D Thank God, so I can go home now -.- Then I was looking for Mira at the canteen and she was not there, I guess dia dah balik, and I walked to the entrance and saw Shira. Yeah she said Mira’s mum was already picked her up and I was like, oh ye ke :| Apalagi, I walked under the blistering-hot sun and I sweat a lot kot wehhhhh. After 2.10pm finally I reached home. FINALLY.
Wait, nak cakap HI dekat MIDTERM boleh tak? HAAAAIIIIII -___-
Okaylah, byebye monkeys.