Miserable Holiday
Yo, I thought this holiday will be the greatest holiday ever but wth, I'm wrong. I'm SO bored! I don't know what to do and obviously I'm not in my good mood to study. When I open my book then I feel like crying hahaha, see the power of the book -_- what the hell am I talking about. I want to ask Hannah if she wants to go for a walk with me this evening but she still not replying my text. I feel like I want to have a formspring account but then I think it will make my face stuck on the monitor all day so I decided NO formspring -.- I addicted to one thing so easily, first I addicted to myspace, (years ago) then I addicted to blogging (also years ago), then I addicted to ym-ing, (years ago) and now I'm not addicted to anything except for Taylor Lautner hahaha. I mean, he's only seventeen but look at his body wooootttttt so sexy. What the? Haha no offense girls I'm only joking LOL. I still didn't prepare anything for ujian lisan. Teacher said she will choose randomly :O Next week exam so I don't think she will do the ujian lisan next week. Haha. I think that's all for my first day off holiday entry, see you again later :)