But don't happy-too much Zulina, you must study hard for March Test soon. Hahhaa, what the ___. Tomorrow I have add class. Oh I'm excited honestly but at the same time, I got lazy everytime I think about study.
Today i didn't go to school. I woke up late and I cried this morning because I wanted to go to school! At the same time I felt a bit regret because I supposed to woke up at 6.30 (when my alarm rang), but I am so stubborn that I go to sleep *again. Then my mom woke me up at 7.30. Hadooiii. Then I woke up again at 8.00. Watching TV, online and etc.
Oh yeah, I went for a walk with my beloved friends this evening. We went to Aliah's house which I can't tell you where it is HAHA. Hannah, Syira and myself went to Aliah's house, yeah I met Azirah, Bie and Anis and Haikal. And when we want to go home, goshh it's raining like hell. So heavy. Then we just ignore the rain and walk back to home. Hahaha pity rain. Then when I reached home, OMG soooo tired! And then my mom scolded me because I didn't do my chores. Yeah, pity me. Ho yeahh, today my father will go to Terengganu, fishingggg -.- hahha for three days!
My fav teacher will teach me tomorrow and yeah I can't wait. Haha, first thing to do this holidayyy, make up my room. Oh yeah, my room is soooooooooooooo messy! Even my bro's room is more neat I think -___- I just finished watching Vampire Assistant just now. Dushhhh, I love Josh Hutcherson he is soo damn cute I told you! Haha, you should look at him. His smile makes me melt.
P/S : Sorry Josh, you still can't beat my Taylor Lautner♥ He's on top! :P
Love, Myself XO