I am so bored right now. I woke up late today (1034 am) when my lil bro woke me up because he asked me to turn on the pc -.- And I had a very strange dream last night. In my dream, my house had been robbed by two stupid robbers and yah I'm the hero, I called the police. Goshh so scary -.- HAHA. Today I don't know what to do and where to go so I decided maybe I just sit at home, and tidy up my room. My mom warned me yesterday to tidy up my room before she come home! Hadoiii so laziieee -.- Actually I gotta do a lot of things this holiday. When I say a lot I do sort of mean it. I gotta do my homework which look like huge waterfall awww so many! Then with my upcoming exam. I already started to open my book and do the revision last night but as usual, takde satu pon masuk wehhh. Maybe because I always do the revision last minute. When I say last, I do mean LAST. LAST like almost two or three hours before the exam start -_- My mind is a bit chaotic right now. I kept thinking, worrying about something I shouldn't think about it. I can't get the hell out of my mind. Well I shoulda thank you all for reading this because it is super rubbish rite. Yeah I know you agreed. Haha, I went for a walk with Hannah, Syira, and Wafin. As usual, we went to beli aiskrim kedai makcik ahaha, then we walk around padang and go to Kwikstop. Hahaha. Well so happy and glad spending time with you guys :)
Forever Tay's, Zulina Farra.