Well I am actually don't like to type this because my tears will fall like a heavy rain -.- But there's something I want to share with you guys. I have good friends. They're Diba, Sarah, Mira, Shira and Nana. We were like best friend since we were thirteen. But when we were fourteen, Nana had to move to Shah Alam. Damn, only God know how I'm feeling. Nana was like, a very good friend to us. Her personalities, her beauty makes you stun. We had our memories together kan Nana. Do you remember when we were thirteen, I really like to sang a song - The Call by Regina Spektor. I didn't know the lyrics and I sang like hell, main bantai je lirik haha. Then one day you gave me the lyrics. Can you believe it? I still keep the lyrics you gave me. HAHA. Then every friday, we always go to your house. That was a very precious moment. I don't know whether you still missed us or not but I want you to know that I love you so so much. I will never ever forget you. NEVER :)

Praying for happiness,
Zulina Farra.